Well I'm only on day 7 of my Babysteps journey and I am already failing miserably. 2 of the steps thus far have included clothing, and laundry is one of my biggest challenges (note I said one of, because I have many).
Laundry in my house is typically in one of three states:
1) Feast or famine. I'm a marathon washer, I tend to wait until my mini vacations and wash everything in a 2-3 day period. Then I burn out and don't want to do laundry again until my next holiday break.
2) Wash and go. This is the most frequent state of clothing in our house. Hubby and I each dig through our laundry piles, baskets, and small islands and wash what will get us through the next couple days. Then the clothes typically live in the dryer until we wear it with a short fluff cycle each morning.
3)Interclothing relations. When we hit this stage Handy Hubby knows a meltdown in brewing and stays out of my way. Sometimes when I go on a laundry marathon and I don't get everything put away, my clean clothing can't keep themselves away from the bad boy dirty clothes. It's like my mom trying to forbid me from seeing the boyfriend she didn't like, it was futile, we always found a way to get together. So it all intermingles and then there is no way to tell what is clean and what is dirty, I am sure one of my dresses has been washed 4 times since I last time I wore it. Damn dress is a hussy though and always hangs out with the dirty clothes!
So FLYlady says I should be getting dressed to shoes first thing every morning, well it hasn't happened yet. I have nothing clean to wear and my shoes make my feet stink. My Babysteps yesterday was to set out my clothes for this morning as part of my bedtime routine. Well, I'm still in my clothes from last night, does that count? I suppose not. I'll work on the mountain of laundry and try to get to the point of having something clean to wear in the next week. I'll let you know how it goes.
Do you get dressed every morning to start your day or wait until you need to leave the house? Also, confess or brag about your laundry situation here I'm curious to know if everyone else is cowering from the laundry monster like myself.
Merry Christmas Eve, I'm off to sort the old toys to make room for the new ones!
A am a little more devoted to laundry because it is something I am afraid of, it just suddenly takes OVER! I do laundry M-W, and take the rest of the days off. Yep, if you really really need something TOUGH! My laundry room is located off my kitchen so I can hear it and keep loads going for most of the morning. As soon as a load is dry it gets folded and placed in a basket (great t.v.breaks) by the end of the night its up in everyone's room to be put away before bed. Our closets are set up for easy drop off. Mostly IKEA hanging sorters and I can just plop shirts in the shirt slot, pants, socks, etc. I tend to be lazy and un-motivated in p.j.'s (that's kinda the point of a p.j. day though isn't it?) so I like to get up and dressed before the kids are. Good Luck hun! You can DO IT!
ReplyDeleteGood for you girl! I have hopes of doing a load a day, starting tomorrow. After I have a clean outfit to wear I will get dressed and actually head out of the house before I need to...I hope.
ReplyDeleteWe do it once a week, all the loads. But there's only three of us, and I make Tim help with folding and putting everything away once Ellie's gone to bed.
ReplyDeleteFirst off, I don't typically get dressed unless I have to leave the house. However, me not having to go anywhere RARELY happens. As far as laundry goes, I do ALL of it every weekend. I try to get it all done on Saturday but it sometimes bleeds into Sunday. AS soon as its dry it gets folded and the kids come and put it away. I think Evan, maybe not so much Carter yet, is perfectly capable of putting away his own laundry. Sometimes you might have to re-do what he does but it is good for them to start having responsibilities around the house and especially for their own stuff. There's my 2 cents :-)
ReplyDeleteMeg & Beth- Yeah, that's how I used to do it too. Now with 3 kiddos though it just doesn't happen as smoothly! I think the biggest reason is because I am taking full advantage of napping kiddos, and by that I mean we all nap together. :) so that eats up a couple hours of prime laundry time.