Trial and Error

Through trial and error I'm finding what works for me and my family. Learning how to be a tad more domesticated, and a tad less typical Orange County!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Careful what you wish for...

All of my followers know I started this blog to chronicle my attempts at saving and creating money in creative ways, with the ultimate goal being able to quit my full time job and be home with my kids.

Well, the law of attraction worked sooner than planned. We have been blessed For the last 4 1/2 years to have free daycare provided by my mom. Unfortunately, with the economy being so tough she has had to work her "real" job more and focus more on her business and we have no other family able to handle all three kiddos on a full time basis. I made decent income at my job, but not enough to cover daycare for 3 children and still be able to contribute to the family budget.

We had to make a difficult decision, I took a drastic reduction in hours and a demotion came along with it. Oh and I lost my insurance too. Huge changes to our budget and life had to happen in a very short amount of time. To try to make up a portion of my lost income I took on a very part time retail job two nights a week, which has turned out to be an amazing blessing in my life in many ways.

Anyways, to make a long story short I'm not home full time but I am closer than I thought I would be today. I've been neglecting my blogging because I was too busy getting my new schedule under control, but I'm back and I have some exciting things planned for myself that I will share with you.

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