Trial and Error

Through trial and error I'm finding what works for me and my family. Learning how to be a tad more domesticated, and a tad less typical Orange County!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Clean Up Mission: The Laundry Room

Now that I've fully realized that I am a stay at home mom, I decided I better make my home a tad more livable and presentable. I have been slowly working towards each room being clean enough to just "keep up" instead of constantly needing power cleaning. My first room to tackle was the Laundry Room. I started here for a few reasons.
1) It is small and self contained.
2) I am the main laundry person so it is the easiest room for me to keep clean, because no one else is undoing my hard work.
3) A dirty laundry room does you no good. I have been known to forget which piles/hampers were clean and which were dirty (so I had to wash them all again). Dropped clean underwear on the dust and fluff covered floor and had to rewash. Set clean and folded shirts on the washer and ended up with detergent residue on them forcing me to, you guessed it, wash them again!

Here's what I did to tame the laundry monster. First, I washed and put away EVERYTHING that had made it's home at the foot of my washer (you know what I mean, the washing you constantly put off because you never use whatever it is so it's not a priority). Then I got rid of all the gathering places I had created, only one basket for rags and super dirties, nothing else allowed on the floor. Next, I put up a simple shelf with a place for hangers to put my washing tools on instead of setting them on my washer and dryer. Now my laundry room is a place of peace, and I actually look forward to going in and hiding from the family for a few minutes here and there.

Now to tackle the filthy washer and dryer! I found a great "Pin" on how to clean my top loader washer and set to work. To read the how to clean your top loader washing machine and get your machine working to it's full potential.

Monday, May 28, 2012

What's worked, what hasn't.

I shared with you many ways I was experimenting with saving and making extra money, most of them were more trouble than they were worth. Here are my reviews:

Survey sites: These are utter rubbish for people that actually have things to do, your time is worth much more than the pennies you "might" earn by taking and trying to qualify for surveys. If you are a college student with loads of free time, or perhaps a hermit with no social obligations these might work for you, me not so much.

Market research firms: If you can find a legit one in your area these are fantastic money makers! The money is quick, easy, cash and usually somewhat fun (or at least interesting) in the making. I'm in Southern California and I am signed up with Trotta and they contact me with all kinds of opportunities, unfortunately I often don't qualify or the study is full - but when I am eligible it's great.

Couponing: As much as I would love to tote the benefits of couponing, because it works for so many, I just can't. It's too time consuming both in the clipping/planning and in the shopping experience. Also, I'm finding that most the stuff I'm trying to buy (fresh, healthy, ect.) are not coupon items. Things like diapers and such are still coupon favorites for me, but I'm not going to be featured on extreme couponing anytime soon.

Group discount sites: These have been wonderful for us! I keep my eye out for great deals on fun things and that is how hubby and I afford to go out on dates still. That being said, I have disabled the email feature and don't check the sites unless I have extra spending money. That way I'm not tempted to spend precious plastic money on a great deal (like I did earlier this week thanks to my mom making me check Zulily, now we have a wagon in route to our house). Hubby and I just went indoor rock climbing for the first time yesterday thanks to a deal I bought him for Christmas, and we will be going sailing in the next 2 weeks too!

DIY: I'm finding out how much fun and prideful it is to do things yourself. I've tried my hand at homemade cleaners and love them, we are currently refurbishing an old and outdated dresser and finding it both fun and a better way to spend our family time than our habit of eating out and shopping.

Cooking: it's growing on me, I still hate the mess and the shopping but now that my pantry is well stocked with the basics I'm finding cooking cheaper and more enjoyable than before. I will have even more fun once Handy Hubby finishes P90X and I can cook whatever I want again.

Control Journal on iPad: FAIL. I'm a paper and pencil gal, I'll be attempting this again the old fashioned way and see if it works better.

What are your favorite money saving/making things? Please share your experiences too!

Time to get you up to date...

Well the law of attraction has been working in my life, and I am officially a stay at home mom! Well, at least mostly. I am still picking up the occasional shift subbing at the school, I am working one night a week at the dog bakery, and I've embarked on a direct sales journey. I'll share more about all of that some other time, right now I just want to take a moment to let you know that I've been able to catch hold of my dream of being home more-and it is wonderful (most days at least).

Now, I'm hoping to share this part of the journey with you all, and maybe keep myself more accountable with my projects, errands, chores, and such because all of you reading will be cheering me on. So keep your eye out for more frequent posts, and bug me if I'm lagging!